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Body FIT
Mike at Synergy Fitness has devised a superb weight training class for women. This class will work your whole body, adding muscle (not bulk) increasing your strength and toning your body. You will burn up to 1000 calories per class, achieve better overall body definition and increase your core muscle strength.  Body Fit class includes, lifts, squats, curls and abs all done to upbeat music.  Join Izabella our Master Body Fit Trainer for a stronger, healthier body.
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Spinning is an excellent cardiovascular, fat burning (up to 1200 calories per class) workout using a special stationery bike which has various tension levels. The workout builds muscle tone, strengthens the core and increases cardiovascular endurance. Spinning is a low impact exercise class, choreographed to music and a guaranteed de-stresser.



Dietary Advice
Are you feeling confused about which foods are good or bad for you, what and how much you should be eating for wieght loss or weight gain? We can provide general nutritional information and professional dietary advice to help.
Sports supplements are widely used!!!! Are they suitable for you or what you need? We can advise you on that too. 


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Pilates is a body conditioning routine which helps build muscle strength, endurance and flexibility in the abdominals, back, hips, arms and legs. It helps improve our posture, balance our muscles and strengthen our core. By controlling and co-ordinating both our breathing and movements we gain a true mind body experience. 



Triathlon Training
Triathlon training involves coaching in the three disciplines of swimming, cycling and running while working on strength/conditioning and core stability. As no two athletes are the same, the secret to success lies in individualised programmes to help move you more quickly towards the finish line.


 Yoga,Mindfulness & Meditation
Relaxation of the mind and body is key to health and well-being. It is the antidote to stress. When we relax, our mind gets a welcome break and our body has an opportunity to unwind. In this class we learn how be Mindful, how to Meditate and how to use positive Affirmations. We will also learn how Visualisation can help us to enjoy a truly relaxed state.
Running and Swimming Training
Do you want to start running but just don`t know how? Do you want to improve your running times, learn how to run more efficiently by using less energy, less impact on the body causing less injuries? We can provide one to one or group coaching sessions to help you achieve this.
Would you like to improve your swimming technique and your swim times? We can provide one to one or group swim coaching whereby we assess and work on correcting techniques and habits which are slowing you down or preventing you from enjoying your swimming.


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